118th Filemon D. Tanchoco Memorial Lecture

To commemorate the pursuit of excellence, quality education, and services of Manila Central University. The institution organized its 118th Foundation Anniversary-Filemon D. Tanchoco Memorial Lecture that was held last November 23, 2022, with the theme "Igniting Innovations in Education." 

The Dean of the College of Medical Technology, Dr. Ferdinand A. Mortel began the event by delivering his welcome remarks. He was followed by the University's endearing President, Mrs. Luningning Tanchoco Estanislao, with her message of honoring the compassionate heart and outstanding contribution of his late father, Atty. Filemon D. Tanchoco Sr. 

Furthermore, the institution's distinguished speaker, Iris Thiele Isip-Tan, MD, MSC, FPCP, FPCEDM, Chief of the University of the Philippines Medical Informatics Unit, Director of UP Manila Interactive Learning Center, and University of the Philippines College of Medicine Professor, generously shared her expertise regarding the advancement of today's technology and its significant contribution to education, especially to the teachers and students. Citing from her lecture, "Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers, it's transformational" - George Couros.

After the insightful talk, the Vice President for Planning and External Affairs, Dr. Renato C. Tanchoco, Jr. delivered a message to introduce MCU's fresh look and representation from the university seal, logo, and website through an AVP presentation. The University is now bigger, bolder, and brighter as it continues to progress and innovate in transforming our learners into future leaders.

Along with these milestones, the Chairperson of Scientific Discoverer Award, Dr. Gaio Tanchoco Gonzales, also launched the Filemon D. Tanchoco Sr. Scientific Discoverer Award (SDA) inspired by the University's first President, Atty. Filemon D. Tanchoco Sr. The activity aims to highlight and honor anyone who shall discover new knowledge that will redound to the welfare of the Filipino people.

The program ended with a closing remark from Atty. Juan Crisostomo M. Echiverri, Vice President for Legal and Transformation. He stated, "As we approach our 118th year of excellence, we look forward to sharing our passion and promise of quality and value-based education geared toward a timely, innovative, and transformative approach to mastery learning."

The institution's hardworking Management Committee led by its University President, Mrs. Luningning Tanchoco Estanislao, together with our Management Committee, the MCU Hospital Board, Deans, Department Heads, and Media Personnel joined this noteworthy celebration.